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Game Rules
- Eight-ball is a pocket board game played with 15 object balls and a cue ball.
- There are two ball types: Solids and Stripes.
- Players choose their balls by taking any of the two first.
- A player must legally pocket all of either solids or stripes balls and then pocket the black 8 Ball to win the game.
- The Winning player will win the total cash amount involved in the game.
- Players can play for cash prizes of 50 Rs, 100 Rs, 250 Rs, 500 Rs & 1000 Rs.
Game Fouls
- The shooter fails to strike one of their own object balls (or the 8 ball, if all of said object balls are already pocketed) with the cue ball, before other balls (if any) are contacted by the cue ball.
- The cue ball is pocketed.
- A player fails to shoot before the timer runs out.
- The cue ball does not strike any ball.
- On the break shot, no balls are pocketed and fewer than four balls reach the cushions.
- If the cue ball and the 8 Ball are potted at the same time, your opponent wins.
- If the black ball is pocketed before the others, or potted in any other hole apart from the chosen one, the game is lost and your opponent wins.